Cambridge Archive Editions – Near & Middle East Collection

British Government diplomatic records from the 16th century to contemporary times covering political movements or a country’s development Content has been published over 25 years and includes over 1,000 volumes with nearly 700,000 pages of primary sources and over 750 maps. On East View’s platform to give researchers instant access to navigate and find the trusted source materials they need, all in one searchable database. This database is available to all members until 20th of June 2021.

Access Link:

Cumhuriyet Newspaper Digital Archive

East View is proud to host the complete digital archive of Cumhuriyet on it’s Global Press Archive (GPA) platform .The archive offers scholars the most comprehensive collection available for this title, and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and searchable text. There are ver 400,000 pages available to read. Text-correction feature allows user improvements to searchable text. Trial access is available till 20th of June 2021.

Access Link:


Last Update Date: Tue, 05/18/2021 - 15:10