Objectives and Targets

As Istanbul Kültür University Library and Documentation Department, our objectives and targets are;

Objective 1:

To ensure that the library's printed and electronic resource collection has the quality and quantity to support the education and research activities of all members and graduates of the university.

  • Target 1.1: To expand the collection of printed publications and periodicals, to keep the content rich and up to date.
  • Target 1.2: To ensure the continuity of electronic resources and to select new electronic resources and carry out their subscription procedures.
  • Target 1.3: To ensure that the course materials requested by academic staff through departments and student requests are fully met.
  • Target 1.4: To determine the missing subject areas by conducting collection content analysis at the end of the academic year and to expand the collection in the related fields.

Objective 2:

To carry out the cataloguing and classification of printed resources added to the library collection in accordance with international standards.

  • Target 2.1: Creating bibliographic records in accordance with international standards. (MARC21)
  • Target 2.2: To control the old records and complete bibliographic deficiencies.
  • Target 2.3: To determine the classification number in accordance with international standards to ensure that information can be accessed quickly and easily. (DOS)
  • Target 2.4: To create authority records (subject, serial registration, company-institution, conference authorities).

Objective 3:

To carry out the University's Institutional Academic Archive studies and keep them up to date.

  • Target 3.1: To carry out the Institutional Academic Archive studies on the Dspace platform and keep them up to date.
  • Target 3.2: To inform the academic and administrative staff and students of the university about the institutional academic archive and its content on a regular basis and to ensure the active use of the platform.
  • Target 3.3: To ensure that İKÜ theses are included in the Corporate Academic Archive and keep them up to date.
  • Target 3.4: To ensure that İKÜ academic staff upload their academic studies to the platform through personal accounts to be created on the Dspace platform.

Objective 4:

To ensure the efficient and equal use of library resources by all users.

  • Target 4.1: To create the appropriate technological infrastructure for users that need a special approach.
  • Target 4.2: To organize orientation programs at certain times for foreign students to use the library effectively.
  • Target 4.3: To educate all users to use the technological hardware and software effectively. (SirsiDynix Library Automation Program, LibCal reservation system, LibGuides subject guides, etc.)
  • Target 4.4: To organize planned trainings to increase the use of printed and electronic resources. (Database usage trainings, Reference management tools trainings, Plagiarism programs, student orientations at the beginning of the academic year, etc.)

Last Update Date: Tue, 09/10/2019 - 16:50